Featured Artists
We've explored the world to discover unique talent just for you.

Solo Artists
Select your desired artist for an intimate solo performance, or allow our creative team to build a small band around them.
DJ Fusion
DJs and live musicians in perfect harmony! Our creative team will work with you to choose 1-4 musicians to join the DJ for one epic dance party.
Small Ensembles
Jam out with our lively jazz combos, string quartets, and unique cocktail hour ensembles.
DJs & MCs
Create a seamless flow to your event, and set fire to the dance floor with one of our exclusive, and experienced DJ/MCs.
Party Bands
Whether you love Rock, Funk, Soul, R&B, Country, or Bluegrass, discover your new favorite band, and bring them to the party!
Specialty Acts
Design a fully immersive experience with dancers, flow artists, and/or vintage acts to enhance your soiree.
Production + Lighting
Ask our team about an upgraded concert-level light show, staging, CO2 canons, LED screens, disco balls, neon signs, and more.